Yes. If they were smart, they'd stop or at least try to stop smoking. And they'd be dumb anyway to even start smoking.
you cant dumb a$$
They some because their dumb
birds arn't dumb, people are. (more specifically, the author of this question.)
no are you dumb
of course they are! why do people make so many jokes about them then?
No, because there's more dumb people than smart people!
Actually Eli people are dumb...... >:/
50 or more. Only dumb people like it.
Most people start to smoke for pleasure and because it may be cool but the more they smoke they get addicted to it until they really can't stop.
It depends on your definition of dumb.
because they are and you shouden't be saying that people are dumb because did you know that dumb actully means the people cant talk so whe you call people dumd that are not actully dumb you are making fun of the people who can't actully talk so shouden't call people dumb
No, more people do not smoke weed than people who don't. According to studies, the majority of the global population does not use marijuana or any other recreational drugs.