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I suggest you forget all about the blood type hoopla regarding vegetables, dairy and other things, and instead listen to your body and your intuition. I further suggest that most folks are better off eating a raw Paleolithic diet (a raw vegetation and animal foods diet, aka RVAF diet), or, if that is simply too much trouble, at least a partially-cooked Paleolithic diet, in order to avoid the foods to which almost all of us may react poorly, and to maximize consumption of foods suited for our bodies.

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Q: Do different blood types need different diets to stay healthy and if so what are they?
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Do different diets work differently for different blood types?

Yes different diets work differently for different blood types. A negative should follow a certain diet such as a vegetarian diet. This will help with energy and feeling healthy. Your over all health will improve and you will loose weight.

Is "Eat right 4 your type" a book about different diets for different blood types?

This book does in fact advocate a special diet for different blood types. This book dictates that each blood type should conform to a specific diet to stay healthy.

Is there really a diet for people who have different blood types?

Yes different diets are needed for people who have different blood types. There is no one cure-all diet for everyone. People need different diets for different needs and not everyone needs a diet.

Where can I find information about different blood type diets?

There are multiple websites that can give you information on the different blood types and their diets. A couple examples are,,, and

Are the diets for A positive and A negative blood types the same?

You can check the website to learn how to find the right diet for your different blood type that has different recipes for the blood types that are different.

are there any diets for specific blood types?

I am not aware of any diets that are designed for a specific blood type. I only know that, in my experience, I learned healthy eating habits, which is universal to most people.

different diets for blood types?

There is no scientific evidence that suggests that diets should be based upon blood type. This means that any diet that says its linked to blood types has nothing medical to back up its claims.

Are there different diets for all types of blood?

There are a few different types of blood. Dieting has no factor regarding your blood type. If you have concerns regarding this it always best to consult with your personal Doctor.

Do foods have different effects on different blood types?

No. While certain deficiencies causing blood abnormalities, such as iron-deficiency anemia, would encourage one to choose a slightly different diet (one higher in iron, in the case of anemia), whether A,O or B, your nutritional needs should be the same.

Do diets based on your blood type really work?

No, they really don't work. IT is a common help myth that different diets help different types of blood, but you should just eat a balanced diet of different foods.

What types of diets should different blood types follow?

While different diets may prove to be more or less effective for different people there is no link between a diet's effectiveness and blood type. When starting any diet you should always seek the advice of a medical professional.

What kind of foods would be considered healthy to various blood types?

While certain blood types may need to avoid some foods to maintain overall health and balance, all blood types benefit from diets rich in vegetables and lean protein.