Diet pills containing caffeine have that effect on some people, as the pill wears off.
It does make you sleepy and to make it not sleepy you first should have some moody bread (just a little) then drink some water then go to sleep and see what happens
can diet pils make you late on your period ?
I personally would stay away from diet pills its not very nice but sometimes they make you poo yourself.
Yes some prescription diet pills do. Like phenermine, and phendimetrazine both will.
It makes it late.
And then you get arrested for date rape. Don't do it.
I'm drinking Turkey Hill diet Green Tea and it contains Phenylalanine and I'm starting to feel really sleepy from it.
There is no research on diet pills and pregnancy but they always say don't use it. Diet pills are not for children so that should say it all. I doubt they would make you abort but it could hurt the fetus. You should never diet when pregnant.
There is no research on diet pills and pregnancy but they always say don't use it. Diet pills are not for children so that should say it all. I doubt they would make you abort but it could hurt the fetus. You should never diet when pregnant.
diet pills after expiration