They don necessarily make a great deal of difference the feeling that you are safer from accidental pregnancy and disease would certainly make you feel a lot more relaxed in some instances. I have goe both ways and have enjoyed my self either way.
Yes , but many people believe that sex with a condom is less pleasurable then sex without. Not very much, that is why I dislike condoms. That is why it is important to be married or with a faithful, disease free partner.
Use protection during sex Condoms are the easiest, and safest.
Make sure you find a gal that swallows. I am a guy and we only want fin sex I am a guy and we only want fin sex
Yummy as in tasty or exuberant? It is very pleasurable for humans. I love having sex eight times a day. Especially if he has a big penis that will hurt my vagina. It feels rough and so sexy. I can't contain my screams! It can also be tasty, I suppose. If his penis is good or if her vagina is sour. It is so hot! GOOD LUCK! and screw condoms. they make it uncomfortable!
No I don't think so. Use condoms and try different positions.
Magnum lifestyle is when you wear condoms for sex. SAVE sex. ;)
They think condoms are important also to have sex early before your too old and creepy
It is pleasurable to the male and it often leads to sex.
Circumcision leads to damage to the nerve ends on the glans of the penis as the protection for them has been cut away. this leads to the glans which are responsible for the majority of the pleasurable sensation to become less sensitive. Sex is definitely more pleasurable for the uncircumcised man.
There's not really a reason for it. It removes nerves and makes sex less pleasurable for those who have had it done. It's mostly done because certain religions demand it.
During sex, our sex organs are stimulated. There are many nerve endings in our sex organs. This causes the pleasurable feeling