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Generally, no.

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Q: Do cellphone cause alarms to go off?
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What can cause a car alarm on a 1997 Nissan altima go off for no reason. I bought this car used and do not know what kind of alarm it is though.?

Different alarms have different sensitivity levels. Some alarms are set to go off with the lightest of touch or even just a loud sound.

What is the difference between regular smoke alarms and photoelectric smoke alarms?

Photoelectric smoke alarms are also called optical alarms. They are more expensive than regular alarms. They are also more accurate and less likely to go off unnecessarily.

Why does your dog always howl outside?

dogs howl outside because of alarms going off or cop alarms go off it hurts there ears so then they will start to howl or they will howl with nuther dogs

How do you turn off your alarm on a 1993 Nissan Altima?

Put the key in and lock/unlock the doors. and/or In the ignition and turn on. I personally like the old Nissan alarms cause they don't usually go off unless they need to.

Illegal to steal from Trevi Fountain?

Yes it is illegal because then the alarms will go off if you try to steal a coin.

Do door alarms reduce crimes in homes?

Door alarms definitely reduce crimes in homes. Most people would be startled if they hear it go off and would most likely be deterred from entering.

Why do fire alarms go off during construction?

dust particles can trick the detector just like steam from a shower.

If you turn off your cellphone is it still trackable?

Yes, you will need to go into setting and turn airplane mode on.

Mercury mountaineer alarm problems?

The Mercury Mountaineer is a classy SUV. Some models have been known to have faulty alarms that either go off randomly or fail to go off when they should.

2002 vw beetle alarm goes off automatically?

Automobile alarms are supposed to go off automatically. An automobile alarm that goes off unintentionally can be caused by a malfunctioning sensor.

Why does a person with a person with Addison's cause an alarm to go off at a store's door?

Addison's disease is an endocrine disorder. There is no connection between Addison's disease and store alarms. Addison's disease makes no changes in the body that would set off an alarm in any way in any situation.

Why does my alarm go off even when nothing touched my car?

some alarms can be set to go off is someone is too close. others may go off if there is an extremely loud noise close to the car It may be reacting to temperature or strong winds.