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No, Not If You Go To A Tattoo Parlor And Have Them Do It With A Needle. However If You Get It At Claire's You Do Risk A Shattered Cartilage Because They Use Guns.

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Q: Do cartilage piercings hurt
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How bad do rook piercings hurt?

Any piercing will only hurt as bad as your pain tolerance will allow. If your pain tolerance is high, it may not hurt you. If its low, it may be a little uncomfortable. I can tell you that piercings through cartilage are a little more of a shock than other piercings. Its over within seconds, so you should be fine.

If you have thick cartilage in your nose will it hurt when you get it pierced?

Nose piercings generally hurt regardless of the thickness of the cartilage, due to the fact the tear ducts are connected to the nose too. But it may take a bit longer, than someone who has thin cartilage, since the piercer has to push through a few more layers.

Does it hurt when you get your tragus pierced?

Well, yes. It's thick cartilage so it's going to hurt a bit. Depends on your pain tolerance! Like many piercings, the pain is worth it :)

What are side effects for ear piercings?

well.. i have my first and second hole and my cartilage pierced... the only side effect i can think of is that it may hurt some... but that's really it... for your cartilage you cant sleep on it or else it hurts

Where to go for industrial cartilage piercings?

Any body piercing studio will be able to do your cartilage piercings, check them out under body piercing in the phone book.

Do dermal piercings hurt?

Yes. All piercings hurt to some degree

I got an earring in the cartilage will the industrial hurt?

The sensation is a bit more intense because you are getting two piercings in one sitting and it's done with a needle not a gun. so it should be not too bad about the same as the cartilage piercing.

What is it called when you get your cartilage pierced twice?

You have two cartilage piercings. Unless they are joined by a barbell or they are blended or layered in some way to get a desired effect, you just have two cartilage piercings nothing special, no fancy name sorry.

Does claries do tragus piercings?

No. Claire's uses a gun to pierce, and tragus piercings can only be done with a needle. Claire's strictly does only Outer Ear piercings like the lobe and cartilage. Some Claire's don't even do cartilage.

How long do cartilage piercings hurt?

Since the question isn't too specific as to which cartilage you mean, I'm going to assume you mean the ear, since that is the most common. Ear cartilage piercings don't usually hurt very long, but as with all piercings, it depends on the upkeep and care. It also depends on how quickly you personally heal. The problem with these piercings is that they can be in an inconvenient place, especially if you have long hair. When you brush your hair, be careful that you don't brush over them. Also, when you sleep, depending on where the earring is on your ear, it could poke into your head, and be uncomfortable. But you soon get used to it and learn how to position yourself to sleep more comfortably. I have 12 earrings in each ear, and I love them. You just have to be very mindful of care, and sanitary habits when it comes to any piercings that you might have. :)

What piercing does not hurt?

All piercings hurt.

Does it hurt more to pierce your lip or your cartilge?

Like most people will tell you, it all depends on your threshold for pain. For some people those piercings barely hurt. But more than likely, it'll hurt more to get your cartilage. You can feel how soft and squishy your lobe is, and as you move up along the ear the cartilage becomes firm/tougher. Whereas your lip, is extremely soft all over. Personally, when I had my cartilage pierced it hurt far worse than my labret.