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Personal, I count half of them. I doubt that when I purge I get all of it out. I figure counting half gives me the right amount.

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Q: Do bulimics count the calories they throw up?
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How do bulimics throw up with their finger?

Bulimics touch their uvula, in the back of the throat, that piece of flesh that you can see when you open your mouth. The natural reflex is to throw up.

How do anorexic people throw up?

Anorexics don't eat. Bulimics throw up.

When do bulimics know when to stop throwing up?

when you cant throw up anymore .

Do the calories count if you throw up immediately after eating?

...No. But calories are, remember, energy. And much more healthy than energy drinks and the sort.

How much does a bulimic throw up each time?

VomitingIt depends on the amount of food that they ate and how many times (or how) they try to vomit it up. They will throw up until there's nothing left to throw up.Added:The initial answer wasn't wrong but it can vary, some bulimics will throw up until they are satisfied with the amount they throw up.Science conscious bulimics know that your body needs a certain amount of intake for the body to properly function and not go into (basically) hibernation. So if they consume 2000 calories and they know that the body needs less than that (I'm not doing all the math for you), they'll throw up the excess amount.But to answer the initial question to the best of my personal ability, I can vomit 30-40oz in about a minute without a problem.

What sex and age make up the majority of bulimics?

Most bulimics are females in their teens or early 20s.

Can anorexia nervosa be differentiated with bulimia nervosa by weight or pattern of handling of food?

Bulimics tend to eat anything and everything as fast as they can and drink down a lot of soda because the bubbles help it come up easier and bulimics tend to weigh more because during their binges they take in about 20,000 calories and when you expell that from your system you're only bringing up half of the calories. Anorexics on the other hand will cut up their food into itty bitty little pieces and sit and rearrange it on their plate to make it look like they have eaten something. Anorexics weigh much less than bulimics because they only take in about 400 calories a day at the most.

Do bulimics eventually become underweight?

If a bulimic continues to purge, the bulimic will eventually become underweight. It's a simple measure of calories in, activity out. If someone vomits up their calories and doesn't take in replacement calories, it is very possible to become dangerously and unhealthily thin.

When you are bulimic do you force yourself to be sick or are you just being sick after everything you eat?

Bulimics force themselves to purge or throw up the food after they eat. It is not just a bad reaction to food that makes them get sick (like an allergy or food poisoning), they purposefully throw up.

How many kilo did you lose in week if you throw up the food?

1000 calories

Can you lose weight being belmic?

you have to throw up...but you shoudnt try because your teeth can become gray and your finger will peel...

Why must bulimics eventually develop dental problems?

I believe it's because when you throw up, the acid from your stomach starts to wear away the enamel on your teeth, causing major dental problems.