It all depends on If the baby is healthy or not. Girls can weigh the same as boys, or they could weigh more.
Yes, the boys and girls growth spurt grows differently. Boys have more developed muscles, so they're stronger. Girls have periods and give birth, so they are more flexible.
No there r way more guys then girls
there are more boys in the world acording to the govament there is 3248080000 boys and there is 3214983000 girls (\___/) (='.'=) ('')-('')
By a quarter of a percent, but the birth rate will still be increasing.
Boys. Girls have more hair's than Boys!
undoutedly, girls spend more money than boys.
Yes, I do believe that there are more girls in the world, not too sure.
their are more girls than boys
Girls because there are more girls in the world than boys that is so true
Girls. Cause they pay attention more not boys. Boys think about sports and recess more. Girls don't that is why girls tend to pay attention more.
no england has more boys than girls