Boys try to act cool in front of friends at all times. They probably like you just not around their friends. Its like girls to fit in you have to be mean to other girls. It is very wrong, but that is also the truth about these days.
Boys probably act like that because they re shy to say something you HATE that's why.
they act wierd because they like u and really dont no how to say it.
Ignore them or tell them to get lost.
Some boys dont like school so they dont put there all into there work. And then act dumb.
They dont want to return the love or are scared or shy
Act like a friend. Try and talk about boys around him so he knows you dont like him that way :)
guys act like guys because they try to look all cool around their women they try to protect her act like they are they shining armor but when the boys hang out with the boys the treat their women like a piece of tissue,a maid,and a servant that's why guys act like guys Because thei're guys.. kind of a no brainer dont you think??
Yes. Congratulations on picking up on this early; it takes a lot of girls decades to grasp this concept.
well if u meet them and have a good conversation and u dont act like a crazy fan they might like you
most boys dont like soap...
you just talk and be yourself. you dont do anything different,go to the movies,invite them over for a movie or party. You dont acted any different around them,just act like yourself you dont want to act nervous around them.
Because boys are boys and they find other women in the world.I know how u feel but if that boy wants another girl than he just dose........!