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Some boys like fat girls .But some boys don't look at the size or face its just how they act .Im a bit other size but 1 or 2 like me (the ones that like me are super cute)

So it dos not matter what size you are so just be happy

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Q: Do boy like girls that are fat?
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Will a cute boy like a fat girl?

I've met someone who was very attractive who liked fat girls only. I like fat girls, but I won't toot my own horn. if a guy doesn't like on the basis that you are fat, he is shallow and not worth knowing anyway.

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They can't.

I am fat how do i get a boyfriend?

Well, either find another boy who's even fatter so that it looks like you're practically "doing him a favour", or find a boy who's a fat admirer (likes fat girls)

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You can start exercising to lose some weight. But if a girl doesn't like you because you are fat she is not meant to be with you. She should like you for who you are not how you look.

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im fat and ugly... it just depends how fat... and how old u r.

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Because boy don't see what they really are and boys don't ask girls out!!