No, the semen and sperm is the same for all men. What can change it is your diet.
Yes Avril
Egg yolk is thicker than egg white.
No the eggshell of brown eggs is not thicker than the eggshell of white eggs.
Feel better than thin? Not that I ever noticed.
Normally sperm is white and a bit thicker than urine. If it is clear and thin it is usually because you haven't hit puberty or you havent had sex before. Do not worry all you need to do is masturbate regularly and overtime you should produce sperm.
it's ok to swallow sperm. I do it all the time with black guys. it's better to do it with black guys than white guys because black guys are more tasty than white guys. IF YOU ENJOY IT LIKE ME NEVER STOP DOING IT
The word thicker is the opposite of thin. When something is thicker than it is wider or deeper than another object. An example is the piece of wheat bread is thicker than the white bread.
pokemon white is hareder than pokemon black
It is forbidden fruit. The mores of our culture are that races shouldn't intermingle. The contrast in skin colour can be erotic for some women as it is for the black guy. There is a belief that black guys, because they are black , are good in bed. Also, there is a widely held belief that, on average, black guys have longer, thicker penises than white guys and have more stamina.
White lambs give you white wool, while, black sheep produce black wool. So just depends whether or not you like white better than black; or black better than white. Other than that there is no other differences between the two sheep.
chances are very good the baby will be black as black peoples sperm is more dominate than white. but now if one of you is Chinese they chance of having a black oriental baby are also pretty good as oriental genes are also strong