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There are no absolutes in life, except death. Other than that, we control our own actions and make our own choices...individually. It is a statistical impossibility that every single living person within whatever category you chose to lump them into, would act exactly the same, given the exact same set of circumstances.

Therefore, there are some narcissistic spouses who cheat, and there are some who don't.

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10mo ago

Not all narcissistic spouses cheat. Cheating behavior can be influenced by various factors beyond Narcissism, such as individual values, boundaries, and relationship dynamics. It's important to address any concerns about infidelity directly with your partner and seek support if needed.

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Q: Do all narcissistic spouses cheat
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yes yes they do they are not happy with themselves so they go out and cheat even if you are the best thing that has ever happened to him

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The act of procreating and noticing the resemblance in your baby and comparing it to yourself is narcissistic. Believing you are above and better than all humans is much more narcissistic than is noticing a physical resemblance of yourself in your baby.

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Modest is the usual opposite of narcissistic.

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Some do and some don't . If you are the fiancee I suggest to you that a tiger doesn't change it's stripes. In other words, he will cheat in any relationship. He is probably very self centered, controlling, and narcissistic. Know this if you marry him.

What is the tagalog of narcissistic?

Tagalog Translation of NARCISSISTIC: mahal ang sarili

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The Tagalog word for narcissistic is "narsisista."