ALL mobile devices have an IMEI number ! It's a unique number which identifies the individual piece of equipment.
To Find The Unique IMEI Number Of A Verizon Phone, Goto The Phone Keypad And Enter: "*#06#". The IMEI Number Should Be Displayed.AdditionallyVerizon is CDMA service provider and for such phones there is no IMEI, they use a Mobile equipment identifier (MEID) or Electronic serial numbers (ESN).Also...My Verizon fone goes to the recording that tells that *#06# is NOT a good number. jus sayin 8-)Keep on Smilin!Ron in Texas
You can't use Verizon service on ATT phones or any other GSM phones. Verizon runs on a different frequency, which ATT phones do not support.
T-Mobile phones do not work with Verizon's Service. T-Mobile phones use Sim Cards and Verizon does not, so they are not compatible.
If you are more comfortable in the use of a Verizon wireless phones then you don't need to purchase other brands of wireless phones. Verizon wireless phones are more user friendly and they come cheap.
At this point, none. Verizon has not opened up their network to other carriers' phones yet. This process is due to be completed by the end of the year, probably June or July.
no it would not. the only Phones that will work with Verizon are Verizon phones. if the phone is Unlocked it will normally not work with Verizon. unless its a Verizon Global Phone (which can be used as Verizon or GSM (But also must be unlocked to use it normally))
Code to check IMEI number of any phone use *#06#
Yes, since Verizon Wireless bought Alltel, you can use a Verizon Wireless phone on an existing Alltel plan.
Yes I have seen myself that one china mobile phone having two IMEI. But I dont know the real meaning of it and the effects of it.The purpose of an IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity), MEID (Mobile Equipment Identifier) or ESN (Electronic Serial Number) or commonly known as Serial Number to control usage of an owners Cellphone in scenarios such as Phone has been stolen. With the right connection you can track your phones location through its Serial Number (since the phone transmit its esn to its network provider). You can also use the Serial Number to disable the phone if not found. Owner should submit the Serial Number to GSPD (Global Stolen Phones Database).Categories of Mobile Phone Serial Numbers:IMEI: Term use to identify Serial Number of GSM Phones (phones w/ SIM Card).MEID/ESN: Term commonly use to identify Serial Number of CDMA Phones (phone w/o SIM Card).
If by unlock you mean to use it on other carriers, then they may be able to. Verizon phones run on CDMA technology, and currently there is no unlocking solution for CDMA phones. Only GSM phones are able to be unlocked.
Yes It Has Been Confirmed. Verizon And Alltel Can Talk For Free. Alltel Customers Can Use Verizon Phones On There Network And Everything!