It will vary by location but most will not. You can purchase them at almost any Wal-Mart.
Yes they sale prepaid phone cards
A straight talk phone doesn't have enough data to need a Sim card. These phones are meant specifically for talking. Sim cards are meant for phones with data.
You don't need one just for Straight Talk. Any Micro SD card will do as long as its capacity does not exceed what the phone's processor can address. Hopefully, the max size it will take (8 or 32 gb maybe) will be written in the phone's manual. You can find micro sd cards at Walmart where you got your phone, either with the phones or in the camera section.
No, and if they were, it would be a straight flush.
Yes, Straight talk is with AT&T.
Technically, yes. While Straight Talk is a pay as you go cell phone service, buying minutes is referred to as buying a "plan." (Plans last last between 30 and 365 days, depending on which plan you choose) If you want to ensure that your service is never interrupted between plans, Straight Talk customers can set up "Auto-Refills" - a rescheduled automatic payment to refill your plan on your service end date.
Krogers carries ground turmeric.
The duration of Straight Talk is 1.52 hours.
Flush _5 cards same suit...full house _3 same cards + 2 same cards... royal flush _5 face cards of same suit...straight _5 cards in consecutive order...straight flush _5 cards in consecutive order of same suit
it cost 2.00 to buy them at krogers
yes, all krogers sell stamps.
This should not be a problem. Straight Talk and NET 10 are owned by the same parent company, TracFone Wireless. To further address your question, Straight Talk has a program called "Bring Your Own Phone" which allows people to use virtually any compatible or unlocked GSM phone on their network once you purchase one of their SIM cards.