no go straight to his house and murder him, chop his head off and watch him bleed out. Then fly to Another Country and start a new life there
Do you mean if you accuse him of cheating & he's not will he get mad ? If so i think he has every right to get mad because you are wrongly accusing him but make sure he gives proof that he isn't cheating before you believe him .
All proof silver dollars are silver dollars, but not all silver dollars are proofs. That's because proof coins are specially struck for collectors, while (at least up till 1935 in the US) regular silver dollars were struck for use in ordinary commerce. Please see the Related Question for more details.
If she is adamant about her faithfulness, then consider your proof; did you catch her red-handed, or was it a friend who saw her hanging out with a guy? She is perfectly capable of spending time with other people and not be cheating - give her some benefit of the doubt.
In most cases if a boyfriend was not cheating and was accused by his girlfriend then he would be angry and since your boyfriend is silent there is a high possibility he is cheating and cannot own up to it.
how you know if he is lying well if you question him on it and he cant look at you or he's looking off to the side the one indication of a lie, also if he is always accusing you of things you didnt do like cheating or something he may be trying to shine the light off of him so he wont get found out about what he is doing, also if you question him and he gets mad and doesnt want to answer the question that another sign of a lie because if its not true why cant he just answer the question???
If you did not cheat then tell her to show you the proof. There cannot be any proof if you are telling the truth.
be as honest and sensitive as possible and make sure that you have proof that the person was cheating
Just thinking it is not enough. Being suspicious and there's nothing there and you wont let it go can ruin your relationship so be careful. After reading your question that is all I can say. There is no proof or even hints he is cheating.
You either believe him or you dont, if you have proof dont.
you show her who is in charge and put her in her place
get proof first...then just break it to her straight up
Pictures. Always. Or record a conversation regarding it. Written proof is always good.
There is no way to know if she really is or not unless you investigate. Don't assume things until you have proof. If she says she's going somewhere and won't tell you where I would suggest following her, or even putting a tracker on her phone.
a theorem and if your just typing in the question off your home work that's called cheating you dumb A S S
If you know for sure and have proof he is cheating on you then you need to move on and dump him. Find somebody that cares for you as much as you do for them and cheating should not happen again. Don't rely on a friend telling you he is cheating, you need to see it for yourself to be certain.
No, you cannot get a lie detector test done on someone you think is cheating as it is considered an invasion of privacy. If you have good clues that this person is cheating then you can see a pattern as to what evenings they go out and either follow them with a friend in a car they do not recognize or pay a private detective for a weekend to get the proof you need.
Most cheating husbands will deny they are cheating. Be calm and either get a friend to go with you when you feel he is out cheating and follow him or, hire a detective for three or four days to be sure he truly is cheating and then you can give him solid proof you need and you will have to decide if you want to live with a cheater.