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Yes, they sure do!

It's a common myth, especially in young adult Women, that Birth Control is only used to "not get your pregnant", but this is just not true. Aside from decreasing the likelihood of birth, birth control pills can help regulate hormones and menstruation.

Not all types of birth control works with everyone, so if you're interested in taking them, consult your Doctor. There is bound to be one out there that works for you.

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Q: Do Birth control pills help level out hormones?
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Why do birth control pills contain hormones?

Hormones control the release of eggs, and Birth Control pills either regulate or prevent that release.

Why do birth control have hormones?

Birth control pills have hormones because hormones are the chemicals that affect ovulation and other aspects of fertility in the female body.

What are you to do if a guy takes birth control?

If he is taking female birth control pills forget him. They contain hormones and he is not taking them for birth control.

Do Birth Control Pills still work after eating food and drinking beverages?

The active ingredient in Birth Control Pills, e.g. hormones, are not affect by foods or beverages.

Do green tea pills affect the birth control pill?

Green tea pills do not effect birth control. They may slightly speed up your metabolism but will not affect your hormones.

Ive been taking birth control pills for 10 years now I've been missing pills can i still get pregnant even though it's in my system?

YES. It does not matter how long you have been on birth control. If you miss pills, you have a good chance of becoming pregnant. Use alternate forms of contraception (condoms) until your next cycle. Birth control works by having a constant level of hormones in your body. The last 7 pills in your pack contain no hormones. So each month, all of the birth control hormone that is in your body is depleted. Thus, it does not matter how long you have been on birth control.

Is it an actual period if you miss birth control pills?

No bleeding that you have on birth control pills is an "actual period." Instead, it's withdrawal bleeding brought on by the drop in hormones when you miss pills or when you have your normally scheduled placebo week.

How effective are birth control pills in treating endometriosis?

Birth control hormones are likely to keep endometriosis from getting worse. If you have severe symptoms or if birth control hormones and NSAIDs don't work, you might try a stronger hormone therapy.

Why can the progesterone-like hormones of birth control pills be taken orally while hormones like insulin must be injected?

Insulin is protein soluble and would be unable to cross the wall of the gastrointestinal tract without being broken down and the hormones in birth control pills are lipid soluble are correct.

If you stop taking birth control after only two days of using it does it change your cycle and your ovulaton days?

Yes it can, but not for long. Birth control pills have hormones in them. Also after quitting birth control pills/patches you have a higher risk of getting pregnant!

Will you get pregnant if you use no protection after birth control pills?

Yes when you stop using birth control pills you will be able to become pregnant if you do not use any protection. The active hormones in birth control are out of your system 2-3 days after with-drawling from the pill.

What can happen to a diabetic man if he takes birth control pills?

Birth control pills are hormones, so nothing willl happen to him. Why would he do that? If he took enough he might want to start to wear pink.