no they usually don't like Spanish and dark skinned girls unless you're very very pretty but they usually go for Russian ....or Albanian girls
There's no reason they couldn't--one can only ask. If there is a cultural impedence to the relationship, she'd probably tell you. Girls in Albania aren't all that likely to meet many black guys, but girls of Albanian extraction in the U.S. or in Western Europe, unless they are recent immigrants, aren't likely to have any unusual racial standards.
Yes, Black guys like girls feet.
Yes, there are plenty of Black guys out there that like Gothic girls.
Yes! Like all girls, Albanian girls have curves too!
Yes, Black guys like girls feet.
Girls like nice guys so if you are nice it doesn't make much difference on the outside.
it depends on your personality
Black guys just like the other races are human, with human likes just like the whites.
albanian guys are just like everyone else and every other ethniticity in the world. I have done some research so that way I could answer your question as accurately as I can and it doesn't say anywhere in their history that there is any law in their religion that prohibits them from dating any other ethniticity. So just like everyone else, he can date who he chooses so there is hope. That is if he likes you.
this is a stereotype. not all black guys like girls with big butts. Some prefer big boobs and other features not just the butt
no. you have been mistaken with black Guys.