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Yes, about 2 days before I get my period I get VERY dizzy. Yes, about 2 days before I get my period I get VERY dizzy.

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Q: Dizziness before period
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What are some symptoms of being pregnant before a missed period?

Some symptoms of being pregnant before a missed period are nausea and dizziness. You may also have some breast tenderness.

Is dizziness tender sore breasts tiredness increased appetite lower back and abdominal pains be due to pregnancy and before missing a period?

Yes your prenant.

If you are a virgin but your period is very heavy and are experiencing bad cramps and dizziness?

As long as you have not had intercourse, with anyone , and even if you have heavy heavy, and you have cramps and dizziness , are not signs of pregnancy.

What are the effect of continuous period?

The effects of a continuous period can be dizziness or feeling weak. This is because you are losing too much blood.

Cramping sore breasts and dizziness after period mean?

There can be many causes for this and I would suggest asking your doctor.

When you get your period you normally experience vomiting dizziness weird bowel movements and a painful burning in your abdomen area what could this be a sign?

I've heard of some women vomiting because of the dizziness. The dizziness is cause by the spike in your hormones during your period. Softer bowel movements are common, and the painful burning in your abdomen is referd to as the dreaded "cramps". Get yourself on birth control to regulate the cramps....welcome to womanhood. =)

Lower Adominal pain does mean im pregnant?

No. You wouldn't have any pain. You'd probably have dizziness or fainting after you miss your period.

1 day period on time and a negative test 2 days after period am i pregnant. slight dizziness sometimes. tiredness but no nausia?

yep went to the dr got a blood test it was neg.

Is conception after your last period or before?

conception occurs appr 2 weeks after ur last period not before because if you got pregnant before your period your period would not come on conception occurs appr 2 weeks after ur last period not before because if you got pregnant before your period your period would not come on

Can you ovulate if you do not have a period?

Yes, ovulation comes before a period, so a woman will ovulate before her very first period, before her first period post-pregnancy, etc.

When I get my period every month I vomit have diarrhea and constipation have hot flashes and my whole body shakes have dizziness and I major cramping every morning of my period what is wrong with me?

I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM! Did you ever find out what causes it?

Does the Nintendo 3DS cause dizziness?

Depending on the person, viewing 3D effects for a long period of time can cause headaches and sometimes dizziness. The 3DS has an adjustable depth slider so that the user can have the 3D effects at a comfortable level, or have them turned off completely.