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Double Insurance-Situation in which the same risk is insured by two overlapping but independent insurance policies. It is lawful to obtain double insurance, and the insured can make claim to both insurers in the event of a loss because both are liable under their respective polices. The insured, however, cannot profit (recover more than the loss suffered) from this arrangement because the insurers are law bound only to share the actual loss in the same proportion they share the total premium. Also called dual insurance.

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Double insurance is when you have something insured by two companies like when a husband and wife both have medical insurance on each other. Reinsurance is when an insurance company will insure the customers of another insurance company when the claims exceed a certain dollar amount. It reduces the risk of catastrophic claims to the insurance company that buys the reinsurance policy from another company.

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Can you stack health insurance plans?

Yes, it is possible to have multiple health insurance plans, but the coverage may overlap and coordination of benefits is necessary to avoid double payment.

What are the benefits of having insurance bonds?

There are a few potential benefits of having insurance bonds. Some of the main benefits include them not being a drain on cash resources, allowing for rate adjustment and they avoid double funding.

When does a life insurance policy pay double?

When the death is accidental. Meaning not a murder, suicide, etc. More like a car crash where they were not at-fault, a medior falling from the sky... those kinda things. But it could vary for different insurance companies.

What is a PF double bottom breakout?

The double bottom is a major reversal pattern that forms after an extended downtrend. It is made up of two consecutive troughs that are roughly equal, with a moderate peak in between. The double bottom is a major reversal pattern that forms after an extended downtrend. It is made up of two consecutive troughs that are roughly equal, with a moderate peak in between.

What are the differences between straight line depreciation and double declining depreciation methods?

The main difference between straight line depreciation and double declining depreciation methods is the way they allocate the cost of an asset over its useful life. Straight line depreciation spreads the cost evenly over the asset's life, while double declining depreciation front-loads the depreciation expense, resulting in higher depreciation in the early years and lower depreciation in later years.

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What do you understand by double insurance?

Double insurance is when you have something insured by two companies like when a husband and wife both have medical insurance on each other.

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double indemnity. -Chrly

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If you are covered by two different insurance companies at the same time.

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No, He actually does not like double pedals. He uses a DW 9000 single pedal.

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1-pentene is an alkene with a carbon chain of length five. It has a double bond between carbons 1 and 2. 2-pentyne is an alkyne with a carbon chain of length five. It has a triple bond between carbons 2 and 3.

Distinguish between saturated fatty acids and saturated fatty acids?

There is no difference between saturated fatty acids and saturated fatty acids. If you meant saturated fatty acids and UNsaturated fatty acids, then the unsaturated ones are the ones with double (or, theoretically, triple) bonds in the carbon chain.

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Depending on wich states and your insurance company, it may double.. mine did

Where can one find a diamond insurance agency?

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