Power is when you are able to do something whether you have the right to or not.
Example- A thirteen year old kid my have to power to drive a car, but not the right to.
Authority is when you have the right to.
Example- A seventeen year old with his drivers license has the authority to drive as well as the power.
These are some super simple examples.
Usually if you have the authority you have the power, but not always.
Example- Mexico has the authority to end it's drug problem but not the power to.
Hope this helps
authority is the output of the power
Authority is the legal ability and authorization to exercise power for enforcement. Power is the actual wielding of the authority.
Power is the ability to control, while authority is the right to enforce control.
resolving power
Generally the terms 'authority' and 'power' are used interchangeably.
Actual authority is the power given to someone to do a thing or carry out an assignment. it specifies which duty to do. ostensible authority is power derived from the power given to do an act. This authority is derived as a result of the actual authority given to do an act.
A devolved government divides power between a central authority and the regional authority.
how can you distinguish between them
Authority justifies a state's use of power over its citizen - Apex
Delegation is the assignment of authority and responsibility to another person. It also means entrusting someone. Say for example from a financial controller to an accounting supervisor. They are empowered to make decisions. Authority pertains to those who are given the power to enforce laws like a government officials. In business point of view, the word authority is the power and right of a person to use the resources efficiently. There is also known as delegation of authority. Say for example, a manager. In order for a manager to perform all his task, he should delegate.
bad and worse
managers do get respect through power and authority by keeping balance between the two.at the same time they show power and authority to.