what is directive and non directive approach in community organisation and development . please send me full detail thanks
Directive approach in community development is aimed at giving guidance in various activities that help develop a community. This is getting instructions and governance from the top.
comprehensively describe the directive and non-directive approach to rural development
The Prime Directive is a basic rule in Star Trek.His directive is that we seek an amiable solution. What is your directive, boss?
Directive - 8Homeland Security Presidential Directive-8Directive 8Directive 8
The Pandora Directive happened in 1996.
The ISBN of The Janson Directive is 0312253486.
The type of advance medical directive that the AMA recommends is the personal directive or the living will.
list out assembler directive?
directive is nothing but, "which directs to the memory"
The Crescent Directive was created in 2011-12.
The Janson Directive has 542 pages.