Unfortunately there are a few forms or type of cheating, no matter how we describe them, and they are;
1- one night stand
2- emotional affair
3- entangled affairs
4- physical affairs
Now even if this are types of affairs or cheating that's happening it never help no one. Lots of people gets hurt especially the children.
As long as someone of the opposite sex is involved in a marriage; it's cheating.
It depends on weather or not your partner is offended by your flirting.
What sort of cheating? Cheating in a card game, or sexual cheating in a marriage?
is highly recomended8==============================D
well if you ever see him in bead with a girl that means he is cheating on you.......
Both are unhappy and cheating!
From bitter experience, no.
Pleasuring yourself is never cheating.
Henry ended his marriage with Catherine as she was cheating on him
"Cheating" in a marriage is the informal term for being unfaithful to your marriage vows. Having extra marital sex is an act of being unfaithful.
Aphrodite kept cheating on him
Only if your partner is understanding,
ANSWER:... Cheating has many meaning, but if it's about relationship, cheating do and always destroy marriage, respect, trust, and their life, especially if there's children involved