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Q: Differences of model 61 and model 62 rifle?
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What is value of Winchester octagon pump action rifle 1911?

Winchester made a model 1890,model 1906,a model 61,and a model 62 pump action rifle during there production years but never a model 1911 rifle.Winchester did make a model 1911 semi-auto shotgun.

What is the value of a Model 62 Winchester .22 rifle with serial 11466?

What is the value of a Model 62 Winchester .22 rifle with serial 21072

What is the value of a 1911 22 Caliber Winchester Pump Action Rifle?

Winchester did not make a model 1911 pump action 22 cal rifle,They did make a model 1890,a model 1906,a model 61,and a model 62 pump action 22 caliber rifle.Please include the amount of original finish remaining on your rifle,and bore condition to get a accurate value,once the model number is determined.

Winchester model 62 22 rifle age?

The Model 62 was produced from 1932 to c.1938, when the model designation was changed to 62A.

Age of Rossi rifle model 62?

No published sn data.

How old is a Winchester model 62 serial number 55750A?

With the serial number that you have supplied;your Winchester model 62 rifle was made in the year 1937.

When was the Taurus rifle model 62 manufactured?

Rifle first made in 2000, carbine first made in 2003.

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What is best website for Winchester rimfire pump action mod 67?

The Winchester Model 67 was a bolt-action single shot rifle. The slide-action (pump) models were the 1890, 1906, 61, and 62. Go to

Where to get an Owner's Manual for a Stevens Model 62 rifle?

Contact Savage. They bought Steven in 1920.

What is the value of a 22 rifle model 62?

The question can't be answered without knowing who made it.