Some traditional views state that sex should come only after marriage, no exceptions. Having sex before marriage was considered dishonorable. More modern views state that "safe sex" is okay before marriage.
what are different in modern lifestyle and traditional life
what is the diferrence between moderns and tradionals clothes
traditional wrestling is used for entertainment while modern wrestling is used to earn a living
what is the difference between Traditional music and international music
In a traditional marriage, the man always worked and the woman stayed home with the children and cooked and cleaned. In a modern marriage, either or both partners could work out of the home. Ideally, and more often seen in a traditional marriage the vows of death do us part were taken seriously and divorce wasn't really seen as often.
Traditional ceremonies are "normally" at least a weeklong celebration to let the town/neighbors know that two families have come together in marriage... Modern ceremonies are more forgiving and last from a day to three days (depending on how many rituals the couple/families would like to include).
what is the difference between moderne and tradional clothing
List 2 similarities between modern and traditional agriculture
I think that the shapes and colors used is one of the major differences between the two eras. Traditional has a lot of earth tones and rounded shpes found in nature while modern tends to be more crome/black in color with sharp edges.
difference between modern and traditional banking is
Traditional manufacturing basically does not consider quality issue prevention and manufacturing wastage. Modern manufacturing techniques involve implementing schemes such as Kiasen and Lean Six Sigma to control the quality and lower costs.
difference between modern and traditional techniques of controlling