Nurturing is helping someone grow up to reach their potential (how to think). Indoctrination is telling someone what to think.
Nurture involves providing care, support, and guidance to help an individual develop their own beliefs, values, and identity. Indoctrination, on the other hand, refers to forcing someone to adopt specific beliefs and ideologies without question or critical thinking, often with the intent of manipulative control. Nurture encourages growth and autonomy, while indoctrination restricts independent thought and promotes a specific agenda.
nature versus nurture. Nature refers to biological factors such as genetics and hormones, while nurture encompasses environmental and social influences. The debate centers on the relative importance of these factors in shaping psychological differences between men and women.
The antonym for nurture is neglect.
Maslow believed that both nature and nurture play a role in shaping human behavior and development. He emphasized the importance of individual differences and the unique ways in which people are influenced by both their genetic makeup (nature) and their environment and experiences (nurture). Maslow's humanistic psychology approach focuses on understanding and promoting personal growth and self-actualization in individuals.
It is generally accepted that both nature and nurture play a role in shaping a woman's response to sexual stimulation. Biological factors such as hormones and genetics interact with psychological and environmental factors to determine individual differences in sexual responsiveness. Both nature and nurture contribute to a woman's sexual experience and behavior.
Nature versus nurture can also be known as the debate between genetics and environment in shaping human behavior and traits. It refers to the ongoing discussion about the relative influences of inherited factors (nature) versus environmental factors (nurture) in determining individual characteristics.
nature versus nurture. Nature refers to biological factors such as genetics and hormones, while nurture encompasses environmental and social influences. The debate centers on the relative importance of these factors in shaping psychological differences between men and women.
No. Some can be caused are caused by nurture: health - including diet and diseases.
Who's indoctrination are you referring to?
Indoctrination is brain washing. The term indoctrination implies long term and subtle methods.
Defiant Indoctrination was created in 2005.
Indoctrination is, essentially, to cause someone to believe something. An example sentence is: Indoctrination helped George make Sandy believe she was going to Heaven.
biological and social factors, emphasizing the interaction between genetics, hormones, brain structure, and cultural influences in shaping gender differences. This approach believes that both nature (biological) and nurture (social) factors play a role in determining gender differences and that they are interconnected in complex ways.
His indoctrination into college life was a difficult transition with a lot of laughs.
Neglect of indoctrination is child abuse, Matt.18:6
A good response to indoctrination is not getting involved in what the captors are saying
The nature vs. nurture question asks whether differences in traits and behaviors are due to genetics (nature) or environment (nurture). It explores the influence of genetics and upbringing on a person's development and characteristics.
Traits are influenced by both nature (genetics) and nurture (environment). Nature provides the genetic blueprint that shapes traits, while nurture, such as upbringing and experiences, can further influence how traits are expressed. The interaction between nature and nurture is complex and can vary for different traits.