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difference between group communication and individual communication

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Q: Differences between individual and group communication?
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Within group differences refers to differences within one individual group. Between group differences refers to the differences between 2 or more groups.

Is intra communication a context of communication?

yes it is , it means communication within the office . it may be individual to individual, individual to group,..can i get more about intra communication?

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Social Case Work is Method focusing on Individual Problems where as Group work is on Group

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its awesome it boringhello kitty are awesomei love hkhk is awesome

What are the differences between group and individual counselling?

Individual counseling would involve the counseler(s) and a single counselee. Group Counseling would involve not only the counseler(s) but more than one counselee.

What are the differences between group testing and individual testing?

Group testing is cheaper in comparision to individual testing and can be distributed to a large amount of people, while individual testing tends to be more indepth and. Individual testing is only given to one person at a time, while group testing can be given to a group of people at the same time.

What is the inter and intra group communications?

Inter in group communications is the communication between one group and another. Intra in group communications is communication between the members of a particular group.

What is the difference between analysis of variance and analysis of covariance?

ANOVA characterises between group variations, exclusively to treatment. In contrast, ANCOVA divides between group variations to treatment and covariate. ANOVA exhibits within group variations, particularly to individual differences.

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What is individual communication?

When a person talks to a person or a few persons directly rather than a large group or an audience. When written, an individual communication is a letter to an individual rather than a reproduced mass mailing. This answer is an individual communication in that it is an original answer written for this question.

What are individual group test in psychology?

comparisn between group and individual testing

What group communication?

Group communication refers to communication between 3 or more individuals. Small group communication includes numbers from 3 to about 20 people, and large group communication includes numbers larger than that (i.e., a lecture hall of 300 students or a theatrical production with an audience of 3,000). For communication between two individuals, see interpersonal communication.