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A gametophyte produces a gamete through mitosis.

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Q: Differences between gamete and a gametophyte?
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Do eggs have gametophyte or sporophyte?

Egg being a gamete develops inside gametophyte

What is the advantage of having a reduced gametophyte when compared to non vascular plants?

A reduced gametophyte has to waste less material for gamete formation

What is female gametophyte?

Embryo sac is the female gametophyte of flowering plants. Situated in the flower. It is dependent on the sporophyte (what we call plant) for nutrition. here the gametophyte is reduced and sporophyte is dominant.In lower plants the female gametophyte is prominent and independent where it can photosynthesize. Usually it is called as a thallus. Here the sporophyte is reduced and the gametophyte is dominant.

does the sperm cell come from male or female?

Gametes come from both the mother and the father. The mother's gamete is known as an egg and the father's gamete is known as a sperm.

What is a pollen tube?

A pollen tube is part of the male gametophyte of seed plants. It acts as a conduit to transport the male gamete cells from the pollen grain

Why do gametophytes die after the sporophyte starts to grow?

The gametophyte is responsible for producing gametes, both male and female. When a male gamete fertilizes the female gamete, a zygote, or fertilized cell is created. This zygote matures and grows (through mitosis) into a sporophyte. At this point, the gametophyte has already done its job, and is not needed. Therefore it dies. The sporophyte releases spores, which eventually develop into gametophytes, and the cycle restarts.

Contrast microspores and megaspores?

Microspore = male gamete (n)Megaspore = female gamete (n) Micro develops in the anther and undergoes mitosis to create pollenMega develops in the ovule, retained in ovary, and undergoes mitosis to create female gametophyte (ultimately, an egg).

What is a gametophyte and sporophyte?

gametophyte: The gamete-bearing individual or phase in the life cycle of a plant having alternation of generations sporophyte: The spore-producing individual or phase in the life cycle of a plant having alternation of generations

What causes most heritable differences?

gene shuffling during gamete formation

What is the difference between sporophyte and gametophyte?

Sporophytes reproduce with spores, while gametophytes reproduce sexuallyOf the two, it is the gametophyte is larger than the sporophyte.

What is the difference between a gamete and a regular animal cell?

a gamete is a haploid but an animal cell is a diploid

What is the egg cell in a female's body?

The egg cell, also called the haploid cell, is the female gamete. A pair of gametes, egg and sperm, are what are needed in order for reproduction to occur.