VPN stands for virtual private network. While dB stands for decibels. There is no information online for what ETPN may mean.
A CRB check was the original name for what is now known as a DBS check. The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) now conducts criminal record checks in the UK to help employers make safer recruitment decisions.
7171 - for DBS Singapore + POSB
DBS Bank's population is 14,000.
DBS Bank - Hong Kong - was created in 2001.
DBS stand for Debbie Bike Shop
Aston Martin DBS was created in 1967.
In terms of criminal record checks, the DBS provider is an organisation who is registered with the Disclosure and Barring Service and is able to provide and process DBS checks either for their own organisation or for multiple organisations. DBS providers able to provide DBS checks for multiple organisations are known as 'Umbrella Bodies'.
DBS of the subthalamic nucleus typically produces better symptomatic results that either DBS to the GPi or pallidotomy.
DBS banking is based in Singapore. DBS is an online banking system that offers many financial resources for their customer base. DBS offers credit cards, investment accounts, as well as loans and insurance services.
DBS Building Tower One was created in 1975.
DBS is a Singaporean bank, but IBAN numbers only exist for European banks