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it's the same difference than a boy and a man, or a girl and a women

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Q: Difference between sublimation and deposition
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What is the difference between sublimation deposition?

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What is the difference between deposit and sublime?

Well first of all; Sublimation is when a solid turns into a gas. This happens in some occasions. For example, dry ice. (Frozen carbon dioxide) And secondly, deposition is when a gas turns into a solid. Deposition and sublimation are quite different. Sublimation is when heat is added. Deposition is when it is cooled.

What is it called when a solid changes directly into a gas?

It is called sublimation.

Which state of matter is not part of the process of sublimation?

Sublimation and Deposition are phases changes that are between gases and solids. This leaves the intermediate step of liquid not part of the process. Sublimation- Solid to Gas Deposition- Gas to Solid

What is the process of conversion of solid into gas and again gas to solid?

Deposition is the conversion of a gas to a solid

What is another word for sublimation?

another word for sublimation is deposition

Why are sublimation and deposition are classified as physical changes?

Because sublimation and deposition doesn't change the chemical nature of the molecule.

What is the temperature of a deposition?

there is no temperature. deposition is the opposite of sublimation and sublimation happens at about -109 degrees Fahrenheit or -78 degrees Celsius.

What is the other name of sublimation?


What is the antonym of sublimation?

deposition, desublimation

What is the correct name for reverse sublimation?


What does sublimation correspond to?

You think probable to deposition.