As the name implies,
Generalization is going general. For example if you have entities like Medical-student, Engineering - student, Architecture - student so on, you can generalize and create an entity called Student (higher level entity) so others will be sub entities (lower level entities) of Student entity. One thing to keep in mind is that, the generalized entity is the union of all the sub entities, in the sense it will contain everything that is in its sub entities. This is Bottom Up approach!
Specialization is about going specifically. For a given entity you create sub entities. For example if Staff entity is there, you create Maintenance staff, IT staff, Executive staff so on. Here the higher level entity (Employee) is given and we create the lower level entities. However unlike in Generalized entity, the higher level entity is NOT union of its lower level entities. Sub entities here will use some things from its higher level entity plus things on its own. This means that there could be things that's in lower level entities but not in higher level entity.
A generalization specialization relationship indicates a commonality and similarity between classes. It indicates that a superclass (generalization class) and subclass (specialization class) have common attributes, operations, and relationships. A superclass has the most general attributes, operations, and relationships that may be shared with subclasses. A subclass is a specialization of a superclass.
A faulty generalization is a statement that's not true while a valid generalization is a true statement.
a sound generalization considers more factors than an oversimplification
A sound generalization considers more factors than an oversimplification.
Aggregation is a group of varied things or a mass made up of distinct parts. Generalization is a group of similar things, but not identical things.
it is generalization..
A generalization specialization relationship indicates a commonality and similarity between classes. It indicates that a superclass (generalization class) and subclass (specialization class) have common attributes, operations, and relationships. A superclass has the most general attributes, operations, and relationships that may be shared with subclasses. A subclass is a specialization of a superclass.
A faulty generalization is a statement that's not true while a valid generalization is a true statement.
is called specialization and generalization.
a sound generalization considers more factors than an oversimplification
A sound generalization considers more factors than an oversimplification.
DBMS: Data Base Management Systemgeneralization and specialization are important relationships that exist betweena higher level entity set and one or more lower level entity sets.1. generalization is the result of taking the union of two or more lower level entity sets to produce a higher level entity sets.specialization is the results of taking subsets of a higher level entity set to form a lower level entity sets.2. In generalization,each higher level entity must also be a lower level entity.In specialization,some higher level entities may not have lower-level entity sets at all.3. Specialization is a Top Down process where as Generalization is Bottom Up process.
it affect by the difference mrs petras
Aggregation is a group of varied things or a mass made up of distinct parts. Generalization is a group of similar things, but not identical things.
Agriculture uses specialization and specialization does not
An inference is a logical conclusion based on observations. A generalization is a logical conclusion based on many observations and data. The difference between the two is that inferences deal with specifics pertaining to the experiment being worked on, while generalizations are more "general" and apply more to the idea than the specific experiment.
I assume you mean a Profession Trainer and a Specialization Trainer? Profession trainers are your basic trainers that will teach you most of your recipes, whereas Specialization trainers will teach you a subset of a profession. For instance: BLACKSMITHING (Main Profession) Armorsmithing (Specialization) Weaponsmithing (Specialization) Axesmith Swordsmith Hammersmith