Hub room kept network routers, switches firewall servers etc Server room or data room is for servers / workstations
Each server hub has its own address.
hub room
hub room
A freewheel hub dose not make the pedals go forward when the backwheel is turning, a track hub dose.
C. Server
A router allows communication between two different networks. A hub just links devices in a network.
Network hub can be shared with your home or office and also serve as a router too
Peer to Peer networking has no central "hub" to store the data to be downloaded. When a Client needs information, they connect to other clients on a network to download that information. An example of Peer-to-Peer networking is BitTorrent. Client-Server Networks use a central computer as a hub to store information. So when a client needs to access information, they need to access the Server for that data. An example of a Client-Server Network is any website.
A network hub absconds with any stateful packet inspection (SPI), so it won't act as a firewall.
The difference is in the way how they process communications between two or more computers. If you send some information to one computer only using hub it will resend the information to all computers in the network. When switches resend information to the only one computer.
Multiplayer>Direct Connect> type in and go into that server. Find the "Survival Games" server (there are 2) in the server hub.
a hub is a central point in a network through which all the wires pass, a switch connects more than 2 LAN networks