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Obligation is basically an act or course of action to which a person is morally of legally bound , it is a duty or commitment. Essential is constituting or being part of the essence of something . inherent.

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8mo ago

An obligation is a duty or responsibility that one is required to fulfill, often due to external expectations or agreements. Something essential is absolutely necessary or crucial for a particular purpose, often referring to fundamental qualities or characteristics. While obligations imply a sense of duty or commitment, essentials highlight the importance or indispensability of something.

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Q: Difference between obligation and essential
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What is the difference between necessity and obligation?

Necessity refers to something that is indispensable or required for a certain outcome, while obligation refers to a duty or responsibility to do something as a result of a moral, legal, or social contract. Necessity implies there is no other choice, whereas obligation suggests a sense of duty or commitment.

The diamond-water paradox arises because?

diamonds have a high value in exchange due to their scarcity, while water, despite being essential for life, is abundant. This paradox illustrates the difference between the concepts of value in use and value in exchange in economics.

What is the difference between solipsism and solipcism?

There is no difference between "solipsism" and "solipcism"; they are likely just spelling errors of the same term, which refers to the philosophical idea that only one's mind is sure to exist or the view that the self is all that can be known to exist.

What is the difference between categorical imperative and hypothetical imperative?

The categorical imperative, proposed by Immanuel Kant, is a moral obligation that is binding in all circumstances, irrespective of personal desires or goals. In contrast, hypothetical imperatives are conditional directives that depend on a person's specific goals or desires. Essentially, the categorical imperative is about duty for its own sake, while hypothetical imperatives are based on achieving a particular end.

Which word means the same as obligation?

"Duty" is a synonym for obligation, referring to something that one is required or expected to do.

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There is no essential difference between the meanings of the phrases "essential to safety" and "essential for safety."

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The difference between committed and dedicated is that "committed" refers to an individual's obligation whereas "dedicated" refers to an individual's passion in doing the obligation.

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Liability - is something covered by law. Obligation - is something you're 'expected' to do.

What is Difference between liability and obligation?

Liability - is something covered by law. Obligation - is something you're 'expected' to do.

Difference between fundamental rights and fundamental duty?

difference between duty and right difference between duty and right my answer is: duty is an obligation while right is freedom to exercise a duty like voting. there is a "moral" duty to vote but the right to ignore that duty [ obligation ] to your peril i might add

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What is the difference between liability and medical coverage under homeowners?

Liability = Legal Obligation to Pay. Medical Expenses = Moral Obligation to pay.

The difference between essential and luxury goods?

essential-needed to survive luxury-wanted

What is the difference between essential and desirable?

essential:must have desirable:you have

What is the difference between 'duty' and 'obligation'?

Duty is different from obligation because... Duty is what you need to do and Obligation are things that are "TOLD" for you to do... Duty is your daily duty... Obligation is what SOMEONE told you to do... still... if you think about it... youll still know it's different.

What is the difference between a power and a duty?

Power is the ability to do something, and a duty is what is expected of you by legal or moral obligation

What is the difference between nonessential and essential?

essential means it is very important and nonessential means that it isn't important.