The difference between internal and external validity is in their nature. Internal validity indicates if a study depicts relation between two variables. External validity on the other hand generalizes the study of the variables.
Bible Study is taking in spiritual information. Preaching is giving it back out.
Trigonometry is specificly the study of a right triangle. For example, what is the cosine? Geometry is the study on shapes.
It is called topology
Work study includes a wide field of measurement tools and techniques. Motion study or method study is concerned with analysing individual human motions (like get object, put object) with a view to improving motion economy.
revolution in work measurement & method study
Berkley and Hartley's method of osmotic pressure measurement involves using a semipermeable membrane to separate a solution from its pure solvent. The difference in height between the two liquid levels in a U-shaped tube is used to measure the osmotic pressure of the solution. This method is commonly used to determine the molecular weight of unknown substances and can also be used in medical and biological research to study cell membranes and concentrations of substances in biological fluids.
at is the difference between natural products and pharmacognosy
A: BIG DIFFERENCE emitting is the study of electronics conduction is the study of current flow
John Farley Foster has written: 'Final report on interlaboratory cooperative study of the precision and accuracy of the measurement of dustfall using ASTM method D1739' -- subject(s): Dust, Measurement 'Final report on interlaboratory cooperative study of the precision and accuracy of the measurement of nitrogen dioxide content in the atmosphere using ASTM method D1607' -- subject(s): Air, Atmospheric nitrogen dioxide, Measurement, Pollution
learn and studey
advantages of the study
In a formal technical paper the Summary briefly describes the subject under study or question, with a brief note on method. The conclusion is a precis ofthe results.
The difference is that Economy is a system and Economics is the study of something.
The difference is that Economy is a system and Economics is the study of something.