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A logic probe is used to test and troubleshoot digital circuits by indicating the logic state (high/low) of a particular point in the circuit. A logic pulser, on the other hand, is used to generate a known pattern or pulse at a specific point in the circuit to stimulate and test the behavior of the circuit under different conditions. In essence, a logic probe is for observation, while a logic pulser is for stimulation.

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When you use a scanning probe microscope do you see atoms dirctly or only indirctly?

In scanning probe microscopy, such as atomic force microscopy, you indirectly see atoms by measuring the interactions between a sharp probe tip and the sample's surface. The tip moves across the surface, and the resulting data is used to create an image revealing the atomic structure.

When using a scanning probe microscope do you see atoms directly or only indirectly?

A scanning probe microscope allows you to visualize the atomic arrangement on a surface indirectly by measuring the interaction between a probe and the sample surface. It can provide high-resolution images that can reveal the positions of atoms on a surface, allowing researchers to study their structure and properties. However, the images produced are based on the probe-sample interactions rather than direct observation of individual atoms.

What is oscilloscope probe compensation?

Oscilloscope probe compensation is the process of adjusting the probe to match the input capacitance of the oscilloscope, ensuring accurate waveform measurements. This is done by using a compensation signal to adjust the probe's circuitry for optimal signal fidelity. Proper probe compensation is essential for obtaining accurate and reliable measurements with an oscilloscope.

How can calculate angle of beam spread in rectangular beam transducer probe?

To calculate the beam spread angle in a rectangular beam transducer probe, you can use trigonometry. The beam spread angle can be calculated using the dimensions of the probe, usually the width and height of the rectangular aperture. You can use trigonometric functions like tangent or arcsine to determine the angle of beam spread based on the dimensions of the probe.

What is a scanning probe microscope?

A scanning probe microscope is a type of microscope that uses a physical probe to scan the surface of a sample to create images with very high resolution. It provides detailed information about the topography and properties of the sample at the nanoscale level. Examples of scanning probe microscopes include atomic force microscopes and scanning tunneling microscopes.

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What is use of logic probe in electronic?

we use logic probe in circuit because logic probe is use to indicate where signal is high or low on ic chip.

What is the function of a logic probe?

To tell you the state of a logic signal, when the state changes are infrequent and the cost of an oscilloscope or logic analyzer would be inappropriate/excessive.

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One major difference between an artificial satellite and a space probe is that an artificial satellite typically orbits a celestial body, such as Earth, while a space probe is designed to travel through space to explore other celestial bodies.

The number of LED display indicators in logic probe are?

There are typically three LED display indicators in a logic probe: one indicating high voltage, one indicating low voltage, and one indicating pulsing signals.

What is the difference between a probe and a lander?

A probe is a spacecraft designed to explore space by gathering data in space or on a celestial body's surface, while a lander is a type of probe that lands on a celestial body's surface to conduct experiments and observations. Essentially, all landers are probes, but not all probes are landers.

Which one of the following is useful in debugging a program that communicates via a network?

Logic probe(not sure)

What is the difference between a satellite and a probe regarding where they travel in space?

A satellite is a craft in orbit around another body. A probe either passes by another body or goes to that body and lands (an sometimes returns).

What is the difference between a satellite and a probe with regard to orbital velocity and escape velocity?

Well, a satellite revolves about 80 times faster than the probe. The probe masters different situations which cause orbital problems. Escape velocity doesn't have the power that regards to the probe. Scientists assume that the satellite has the power, but others don't. The probe connects to orbital velocity and has the power to control it.

What is difference between a probe and a lander?

the difference between a probe and a lander is a lander is a spacecraft that desends and comes to rest on the surface of a planet/space object. while a probe is a device used to collect items and run tests to collect data.

What is the difference between forceps and blunt probe?

Forceps are instruments that are used to extract the teeth while the blunt probes are used to locate caries.

What is the difference between probe and Beacon signal in 802.11?

1. beacon is used to serve the purpose of association services where as a probe is used to serve the purpose of reassociation services. 2. beacon is used in registration procedures whereas a probe is used in handoff procedures. by Yusuf Javed Mob. +919893872319

What is a differential meter?

A meter that measures the difference between two signals instead of measuring signals individually. It is vital that neither probe of a differential meter be internally grounded, whereas some types of ordinary meters might have or provide for grounding of the black probe.