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Job Evaluation is concerned with measuring the demands the job places on its holder. Most factors that contribute to this job pressure and are regarded as important for the effective performance of the job, e.g. physical strength required, knowledge of mathematics required, are assessed and the result is a numerical estimate of the total job pressure. The resulting numerical gradings can form the basis of an equitable structure of job gradings. The job grades may or may not be used for status or payment purposes. When evaluations are carried out on all hourly paid personnel the technique's uses include establishing relative wage rates for different tasks. It is possible to use it for all grades of personnel, even senior management.

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Ans. Merit Rating vs. Job Evaluation.

The points of difference between merit rating and job evaluation are as under:

I.Merit rating is concerned with the differences among the employees in terms of their performance. That is why, it is also termed as 'performance appraisal'. But job evaluation is the analysis of various jobs to know the demands which the normal performance of particular jobs make on average employees. It does not take into account the individual abthties or performance of the employees concerned

2. The purpose of merit rating is to appraise the performance of individuals to take decisions like increase in pay, transfer, promotion, etc. It also provides the emoyees with information relating to their strong and weak points. A systematic programme of therit rating will tell them the quality of their performance, it will also serve as the guideline for the management to consider the type of training which should be imparted to the employees. But the purpose of job evaluation is very limited, i.e. to determine the worth of the job on the basis of demands made by a particular job on the average worker.

3. Merit rating rates the man and not tle job as it is concerned with assessing of the abilities of the individuals. As a matter of fact, it measures the worth of men to theorganization. But job evaluation rates the jobs in the organizations in order to determine their worth and fix the wage or salary level that will be fair and equitable.

4. Job evaluation is generally used as a basis of wage structure in the. organization. But merit ratihg is used as basis of sound personnel policy in relation to transfer, promotion, etc.

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1.Job Satisfaction: Job satisfaction is the extent to which an employee likes or dislikes her work. Although it is an overall attitude about the work and the organization, a number of facets or dimensions influence it, including job conditions, supervision, nature of the work, co-workers, pay and benefits and personal characteristics. Employers monitor workers' job satisfaction through a variety of tools, such as employee satisfaction surveys, to measure employee attitudes and identify opportunities for improving morale and job satisfaction

2.Organizational Behavior: In the employment context, organizational behavior is more commonly known as organization citizenship behavior or organizational commitment. The behavior is not formally recognized or directly related to the employee's job description or performance standards.

3.Employee Commitment: Employee commitment to the organization is a result of job satisfaction and influences Organization citizenship Behavior. Employee commitment takes one of three forms -- affective, normative and continuance.

4.Improve Job Satisfaction: Employers can take steps to improve employee job satisfaction, thus increasing employees' Organization Citizenship Behavior. They can implement policies and procedures that are fair and impartial and provide timely, objective performance feedback and fair compensation and benefits.
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