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Difference between influence and affect is; Influence means to have an effect on the way someone or something develops, behaves or thinks. Affect means to cause a change in someone or something, or to change the situation they are in.

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10mo ago

"Influence" refers to the ability to have an impact on someone or something, while "affect" typically refers to the emotional or psychological impact that something has on a person. Influence implies a more active role in shaping outcomes, whereas affect focuses on the response or reaction to an influence.

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10y ago

There is very little difference between influence and affect as they both mean to produce an effect upon something.

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Affect is to effect as influence is to what?

Cause. The relationship between affect and effect is similar to the relationship between influence and cause. Influence has the power to bring about a certain outcome or result, just as cause does.

What are the difference between affect and effect?

Simply put, affect means to impact on or influence. For example, “The snow affected the traffic.” Effect is usually a noun. Simply put, effect means a result or outcome.

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When you have no influence on something, it means that you do not have the ability to affect or change it in any significant way. You lack the power or control to make a difference or impact the outcome of that situation or decision.

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"Influence" refers to the ability to have an effect on someone or something, whereas "affect" refers to the actual impact or change that occurs. For example: "Her positive attitude influenced her team's performance" (the ability to have an effect). "The new policy affected employee morale" (the actual impact or change that occurred).

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the political are political thats all that is needed.

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There is no difference between 152 and 0152 as they are equal, because the leading zero has no affect. 152 is 1000 times 0.152 if that is what you were asking.

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Affect matters in my life because I always have to remember the difference between affect and effect, which is one of the tricky aspects of English.