I believe the gold seal if for attaining all A's while the silver seal is for attaining A's, but 1 B.
The Gold award recognizes students who have demonstrated excellence in academics, leadership, and service. The Silver award recognizes students who have shown significant improvement and commitment in achieving their academic and personal goals. Both awards are prestigious honors given to students by the President of the United States.
It is an award presented to students with a high GPA and a high score on their achievement tests throughout elementary school.
There is no such thing as a silver wolf.
no difference, except price.
stainless and silver is defferentbecouse silver is a colour and stainless are stains
The difference between 99.99 and 999 silver is in their purity levels. 99.99 silver is considered pure silver, while 999 silver is even higher purity, with a fineness of 99.9%. This means that 999 silver is slightly purer than 99.99 silver.
The Color.
silver and white
Type your answer here... One is silver & the other is not silver.
Silver dollars
Nothing is different
gold is found in fewer amounts then silver moles of silver are heavier than moles of gold silver has a bright gray color gold has a bright yellow color