Debugging makes the program works fast while maintainance makes the program slow
Program is the US spelling.Programme is the UK spelling.
A procedure is a subroutine that can be called from another part of the program. Procedures can be as small as 2 lines (the definition line, and then the procedure itself), or consist of hundreds of lines.
1.) A correct solution generates the appropriate information, but a good solution is a correct solution that is also very easy to understand and maintain.
A variable is a quantity which changes its value through out the program or its lifetime. But a constant is a quantity which does not change its value through out its life time. There are 5 basic constants.
utility is a program that performs a specific functions or that helps to analyze, configure or maintain a computer while a tool is a aid to assist in completing a specific task.
Programming is the process of creating code. Debugging is the process of fixing problems in existing code.
Debugging a program is to correct, remove a fault, produce better security, etc, in a computer program.
Debugging is so that you may run your program, without actually publishing it.
Circuit debugging is a type of software program that tries to fix problems within the computer. For example, if a printer is not working properly that is attached to the computer, the debugging program can try to find out what the problem is. It may or may not automatically fix a problem.
Beatrice Lazzerini has written: 'Program debugging environments' -- subject(s): Debugging in computer science
Debugging is a way of running the program to locate any errors that may arise at run-time.
Profiling is about executing a program and finding out how much time it spends in each routine. The goal of profiling is often finding slow routines in a program and optimizing them. Profiling is done on working code. Debugging is about finding code that is not working, i.e. has some kind of defect. The program is known to have a defect because some set of inputs causes a set of outputs that are known to be wrong. Debugging is the process of finding the source of the defect in the code and fixing that location and any other downstream locations so that the set of inputs is correctly rendered into the set of outputs.
Arthur Robert Brown has written: 'Program debugging' -- subject(s): Debugging in computer science
Common issues that can arise from a malformed definition in computer programming include errors in code execution, unexpected behavior of the program, and difficulty in debugging and maintaining the code.