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9mo ago

Class 1 preservatives are considered safe for use in food and have no restrictions on their use levels. Class 2 preservatives, on the other hand, are also safe but have specific limits on the maximum levels that can be used in food products.

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Q: Difference between class 1 and class 2 preservatives?
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What are class 1 and class 2 preservatives?

Preservatives shall be divided into following classes: (i) Class I preservative shall be: - (ii) Class II preservatives. Class I Preservatives includes: common salts, sugers, dextrose, vinegar, spices etc Class II preservatives includes: Benzoic acid including salts thereof, Sulphurous acid including salts thereof, [nitrates or] Nitrates of Sodium or Potassium in respect of food like ham, pickled meat,

Class 1 preservative?

Class 1 preservatives are very effective preservatives that can protect products against a broad spectrum of microorganisms at lower concentrations. They are often used in personal care products, pharmaceuticals, and food to extend shelf-life and maintain product safety. Examples include parabens, phenoxyethanol, and formaldehyde-releasing preservatives.

Define Class1 and class2 preservatives as per PFA Act?

Class 1 preservatives are those preservative which are ectracted naturaly and are not required to get allowance to be used by regulations but class 2 preservatives are those which are required to be allpwed by regulations and are generaly synthetic chemical substances.

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What are Class 1 and class II preservatives for foods?

Class I preservatives would be something you would expect to find in a person's kitchen, including vinegar, salt, sugar, honey, vegetable oil. Wood smoke is also considered a Class I preservative. Class II preservatives are chemicals like benzoates, sorbates and sulfites.

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The difference between the upper and the lower limit and we must add + 01 for that difference ..that is called a class size or widthex:-lower class limit = 10upper class limit = 20(20-10) + 1 = 11the answer is = 11

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