Can fuel oil be used in a deisel engine?
An oil rig is an oil platform or oil production platform. A drilling is different though.
There is no difference that I am aware of. These terms seem to be used interchangably.
AOC is Accidently Oil Contaminated and COC is Continuously Oil Contaminated.
The difference between plastics and elastomers is actually quite simple. Plastics are made from oil and elastomers are made from synthetic material.
there is very little difference if any the older might have a mechanical fuel pump maybe a different oil a different oil pump not a whole lot
Nothing at all. A long block is the complete engine. A short block is just the engine with no intake, exhaust, or accessories installed.
oil squirters are installed on a turbo block that shoots oil onto the piston skirts so that detonation does not occur with the high temps in the cylinder.
The 1990 block would have the integrated one-piece rear main seal. Oil pan and crankshaft are not interchangeable.
Oil based cosmetics can block pores and create acne and pimples. Water based cosmetics are better for sensitive skin.
An oil leak.
The difference between barrel and gallen is that a barrel can load 220 litre oil and a gallon can load millions of oil.
Difference is capacity and the fuel type.
baby oil is scented mineral oil
Gear oil is normally a much heavier oil.
Oil Reserves are big and oil deposits are small.