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difference between aggressive mimicry and protective mimicry

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Q: Difference between aggressive and protective mimicry?
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What is aggressive mimicry?

A form of mimicry in which predator closely resembles another organism on which mimic preys.

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What is the difference between camouflage and mimicry?

Mimicry describes an animal who is behaving like another type of animal to throw off its predators. Camouflage describes an animal's ability to make itself look like something else to blend in with its surroundings.

Some harmless flies resemble bees and waspswhat is this mechanism?

Some harmless flies resemble bees and wasps. This mechanism is called mimicry and is used as a defense or to protect the flies from predators.

What is Difference between camouflage and mimicry?

Mimicry describes an animal who is behaving like another type of animal to throw off its predators. Camouflage describes an animal's ability to make itself look like something else to blend in with its surroundings.

What is the difference of mimacry and camouflage?

well the difference beetween camaflage and mimicry is that they both try to be something they are not and they sneek up on people and preditors

What is the difference between Batesian mimicry and Mullerian mimicry?

Batesian mimicry is when a harmless species or a species that is prey to predators (some textbooks might use the word 'palatable', which means savoury or tasty) copies a harmful species or a species that is not prey to other predators (unpalatable, which means unsavoury, not tasty). On the other hand, a Mullerian mimicry is when TWO (or more) harmful or unpalatable species mimic each other. These animals usually mimic each other's appearances but mimicry can also extend to behaviour. For example, say we have two frogs. One is poisonous and uses aposematic (warning) coloration by being bright blue. One is harmless and bright blue. This is a case of Batesian mimicry. But if both frogs are poisonous and bright blue, this is Mullerian mimicry.

Is caterpillar mimicry?

No a caterpillar is a mimicry

What is mimicry adaptation?

A Mimicry Adaptation

How do you use a sentence with mimicry?

Mimicry is the action of mimicking someone or something. One of her few strengths was her skill at mimicry.

What is the difference between a poison butterfly and a not poison butterfly?

Poisonous butterflies live on poisonous plants and collect the compounds from their host when the are a caterpillar (larva). Poisonous butterflies are often imitated (mimicry) by non-poisonous species, so the difference is sometimes very hard to see.

How do you write a sentence of mimicry?

A parrot is a bird that is known for its mimicry.