is a browser-based implementation of SQL*Plus. You can use it to connect to
an Oracle database system over the internet to perform the same tasks as those
that are performed through the SQL*Plus command line. The iSQL*Plus
implementation uses a Web browser, an Oracle HTTP Server with the iSQL*Plus
Server, and an Oracle database.
SQLPlus is a command-line interface program used to access and manage Oracle databases, while iSQLPlus is a web-based version of SQLPlus that allows users to access Oracle databases through a web browser. iSQLPlus provides a more user-friendly interface compared to the command-line SQL*Plus.
SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard language used to interact with databases for tasks like querying, updating, and managing data. iSQL*Plus is an Oracle tool that allows users to run SQL commands and scripts interactively through a web browser. It provides a user-friendly interface for executing SQL queries and managing Oracle databases.
Pervasive SQL is a relational database management system designed for embedded applications, while MS SQL, or Microsoft SQL Server, is a full-fledged RDBMS with advanced features for enterprise applications. MS SQL provides more robust scalability, security, and integration options compared to Pervasive SQL. Additionally, MS SQL is commonly used in larger organizations, while Pervasive SQL is often utilized in smaller businesses and embedded systems.
SQL stands for Structured Query Language and is a programming language used to manage and manipulate relational databases. An SQL server, on the other hand, is software specifically designed to store, retrieve, and manage data based on SQL queries. SQL is the language used to interact with an SQL server.
SQL instances are individual running copies of the SQL Server software, each with its own system databases and user databases. They are used to segregate and manage multiple databases on a single SQL Server. Instances allow for better utilization of server resources and provide a level of isolation between different sets of databases.
SQL databases store data in tables with relationships defined by keys, while file-based databases store data in individual files without a structured query language for data manipulation. SQL databases provide more robust querying capabilities and support complex relationships between data, while file-based databases are simpler and do not require a database management system to access the data.
Basically in isql we use browser and we can also use mouse here. But in sql we use terminal where we cannot use the mouse. Commands syntax are different from each other.
Structured Query Lanaguage(SQL) is a command language to communicate with oracle server.whereas SQL*PLUS is an oracle tool that recognises and submits sql statements to the oracle server for execution.
SQL*PLUS is a interface between user and Oracle database. It Provide an environment to use the SQL which is a query language to communicate with oracle database
what is the difference between sqlplus and sqlsever SQL*PLUS is oracle command line utility that allows access to Oracle databases sqlserver is a Microsoft RDBMS (database management system), vaguely based on a Sybase RDBMS if you are looking for SQL*PLUS like interface to SQL Server, the one one is SQLS*PLUS from
T-SQL is Microsoft's version of the generic SQL langauge to be used with, for example, Microsoft SQL Server.
one of the difference is HQL does not support distinct but SQL supports the distinct in the query
SQL and iSQL* Plus Sql is command language for communication with the Oracle server any tool or application Oracle Sql contains many extensions iSQL* Plus is an Oracle Tool that recognizes and submits SQL statements to the Oracle serverfor execution and contains its own command languageWhereas PL is Procedural Language when used in conjunction with SQL is termed PL/SQL.The benefit of PL is it gives programming and logical capability to Oracle , (in other words tight integration with Oracle) . You can create variables variables, arrays etc. and handle exceptions which are not otherwise handled but just thrown back to user in oracle.You can create a logical block of code to do specific task within databse. Functionality of SQL is quite limited when it comes to providing a flexibility of programming language, for that PL/SQL was developed. Not only you can write your code to do specific tasks and extract meaningful information from databse(by doing logical operations on set of data) but you can reuse your code when similar tasks need to be done.
SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard language used to interact with databases for tasks like querying, updating, and managing data. iSQL*Plus is an Oracle tool that allows users to run SQL commands and scripts interactively through a web browser. It provides a user-friendly interface for executing SQL queries and managing Oracle databases.
There is no such thing as SQL Server 2003. Microft released SQL Server 2005 as the next version of SQL Server 2000.
gand the answer
SQLSQL is a language that can communicate with Oracle server to access the data.It is based on ANSI standards.There is no continuation character.Keywords cannot be abbreviated.Use functions to manipulate the data.SQL*PLUSIt recognizes SQL statement and sends them to the server.Is an Oracle proprietary.There is a continuation character.Keywords can be abbreviated.Use commands to manipulate the data.
sql exception which provides information on database access errors where as sql warning provides inforamation on database access warnings.