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An animal with a large appendix is a vegetarian. The food slowly digests in the appendix. A horse is such an animal.

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Q: Diet of an animal that has a large appendix?
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What can you infer about an animal that has a large appendix?

An animal with a large appendix may likely have a diet high in hard-to-digest foods like plants or cellulose. The appendix helps in the digestion of these foods by hosting beneficial bacteria that aid in breaking them down.

What animal has the longest appendix?

The longest appendix relative to body size is found in rabbits, as they have a very long appendix compared to other animals. The elongated appendix in rabbits helps in digesting cellulose from their plant-based diet.

What animal has a appendix?


What are diet for appendectomy?

diet are green vegetable and other appendix, prefer pancreas

How large is the appendix?

large kitten sized

Can diet replace an appendix?

No. The vermiform appendix is a vestigual growth on the intestinal tract that, once removed, does not return.

What sentence can you make with the word appendix?

The man had to go to the hospital to have his appendix removed. The book had a large appendix of information.

Is appendix a part of small intestine?

No, the appendix can be found off the large intestine.

What is an appendix in english?

an Appendix is the Small organ attached your large inteStine. it has no main use.

What are the organs near the appendix?

The organs near the appendix include the cecum (where the appendix is attached), the large intestine (colon), and the small intestine. The appendix is located in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen.

Appendix recovery- can you eat?

There are no diet restrictions after having your appendix removed. A person usually can return to their regular activities within 3 weeks.

What would an animal eat if it had very large cuspids and incisors?

An animal that has large cuspids and incisors is a carnivore, meaning its diet consists primarily of meat. Carnivores typically have sharp, large canines as well.