Yes they did
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The Black gene is more powerful than the white gene, ALSO WHITE WOMEN raped the blackmale slaves more so that the white man raping the black women ,which is spoken of less.
Black people weren't aloud to vote because White people thought they were different from white people,white people thought that black people didn't deserve to vote,white people thought that they were better then black people.
Yes. The female slaves were subject to the the master who frequently had sex with them. Since the bloodline of the child comes through the father then the children born were in fact white. Therefore those white children who had babiesa by black slaves, were white women giving birth to salve children.
Yes, indeed, white women got pregnant by blacks during slavery times. However, whether by consensual sex or rape, white women faced higher ostracism that white males who had consensual sex with black females or who raped black females. White women could not hide the baby's skin color if she got pregnant. White men who fathered a bi-racial baby were not penalized, especially since most babies 'looked' black. Even when babies were lighter skinned, there were no penalties. So, a white woman took great social and personal/family risks to consent to a black man. A black man having sex or raping a white woman faced whipping or hanging. These disparities continued up through at least the 1960s in southern US States.
The answer to your question is Yes. The children of Black slave women and white slave owners/holders were considered slaves. This was very odd and unusual because the laws of the day required the children of white women and white men to follow the status of the father. This is called patrilineage, where everything is passed down through the father (last name, property etc.), and this has been studied and researched as a fundamentally sexist male supremacist lineage system, especially since pre-colonial nations had a matrilineal pattern where property, children, and family names were passed down through the woman, especially in Africa and with indigenous peoples world-wide).However, the children following the status of the father was reversed in the case of Black women, because this would then allow Black womens' bodies to be used sexually by white slave owners to produce more slaves. There was an actual new law made by the U.S. solely to make slave children follow the status of their mother instead of their fathers, regardless of if their father was white--so that she could be forced to literally fuel the sexual economy of slavery (this U.S. law also left Black women open for rape by any man since she could not prosecute rape in a court of law). Black women birthed the wealth of the white nation, because her body was used by white masters, and she was bred as if she were an animal to bare as many slaves as possible for the highest production. (This took place especially in the United States after the slave trade was outlawed in 1808--even though slaves were still stolen illegally from Africa 'after' this law).Black women have always had a completely different experience than white women, and Black men. Although all three groups were oppressed, Black women felt the sting of racism and sexism simultaneously. The result of this was that a Black woman was never considered a "full woman," but a lower and degraded form of woman. For example, during the early beginnings of "The New World" or the onset of Ma'afa (slavery/holocaust) for Afrikans coming into the country, when white women were indentured servants in the early 1600's, they were not allowed to work outside. In addition, white women who were non-indentured were only allowed to do work at home. However, Black women ALWAYS worked outside the home, and have always worked in general, and were called "hottentots" and "lascivious women" by U.S. lawmakers.The children taking the status of the father and patrilineage was strictly enforced upon white women because of the Victorian era belief that white womens' chastity, purity, virginity, and 'womanhood' had to be guarded, and she had to be suppressed. Since white supremacist stereotypes regarded Black women as animals, innately sexually promiscuous, and non-WOMAN, they did not see it as necessary to enforce upon Black women, as they were only painting the white woman as a viable female candidate. Again, it also allowed Black womens' bodies to be used and raped by white men to produce more slaves, and even for white male sexual pleasure at will.To learn more, you can read:"When and Where I Enter" by Paula Giddings"Sister Circle: Black Women and Work"
The Black gene is more powerful than the white gene, ALSO WHITE WOMEN raped the blackmale slaves more so that the white man raping the black women ,which is spoken of less.
Black people weren't aloud to vote because White people thought they were different from white people,white people thought that black people didn't deserve to vote,white people thought that they were better then black people.
Yes. The female slaves were subject to the the master who frequently had sex with them. Since the bloodline of the child comes through the father then the children born were in fact white. Therefore those white children who had babiesa by black slaves, were white women giving birth to salve children.
Women SlavesWomen were used as slaves because women didn't have the right to say no because they had no rights at all. They were also used as breeders to make babies.
Black men date white women because they think that going out with white women is not being recess
Yes. In Africa some black men are married to white women. And some white men are married to black women.
Yes, indeed, white women got pregnant by blacks during slavery times. However, whether by consensual sex or rape, white women faced higher ostracism that white males who had consensual sex with black females or who raped black females. White women could not hide the baby's skin color if she got pregnant. White men who fathered a bi-racial baby were not penalized, especially since most babies 'looked' black. Even when babies were lighter skinned, there were no penalties. So, a white woman took great social and personal/family risks to consent to a black man. A black man having sex or raping a white woman faced whipping or hanging. These disparities continued up through at least the 1960s in southern US States.
In my African American History it saids "Like other women of thier time, colonial black women suffered from inadequate medical attention while giving birth". "But because black women worked until the moment they delivered,they were more likely than white women to experience complications in giving birth to beat low-weight babies". Masters and overseers uesd their power to force themselves on female slaves. The results were evident in the large mixed-race populations in the colonies and in the phsychological damage it inflicted on African American women and their mates. In particular, the abuse of black women by white man disrupted the emerging black families in North America because black men usually could not protect their wives from it.
Yes. In Jamaica interracial dating between black men and white women or between black women and white men is allowed.
Likely white women.
no they only have to wear either black or white not both