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yes, sometimes. Slaves who committed crimes like murder or rape of a white person could be hanged.

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9mo ago

Yes, slaves were often hanged as punishment for crimes or attempted escapes. This form of punishment was used to instill fear and exert control over the enslaved population.

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When did The Killing start?

it started after the civil war. when slaves were free, the kkks would capture the freed slaves at night. the kkks would hang the freed slaves on a tree. then when the slaves died the kkks would born there bodys.

What kind of secret codes did slaves use?

in the underground railroad people who were not slaves would hang a certain clothing item of a certain color on their clolthes line. Then slaves would know to go into that house and people would hide them.

Did slaves have free time?

Slaves free time all depended on if they didnt as much as they did. But when they did they would sing, dance, tell tales, stage, play games, hang out with family, gamble,and women would gather to build quilts for the family.

Why did slaves make freedom quilts?

Although the theory cannot be proved, it has been claimed that slaves made quilts to hang on clotheslines. Certain colors and symbols used in the quilts were said to signal to runaway slaves that a house was a safe haven for them.

What happened to slaves that talked back?

Slaves who talked back were often subjected to physical punishment, such as beatings or even public humiliation. This was meant to assert control and enforce obedience among the enslaved population.

What is the future tense of the word hang?

The future tense of the word "hang" is "will hang."

What is needed to do in hang gliding?

a hang glider

When did Hang-On happen?

Hang-On happened in 1000.

Is the word hang a preposition?

No, hang is a verb

When was The Hang of It created?

The Hang of It was created in 1941.

Where all slaves from Africa?

In early America, mostly. In the world, absolutely not. Our word "slave" comes from the world "slav," a European (white) people who were apparently taken as slaves a lot back in the day. Slaves could also be captured enemy soldiers of any nation, especially in the ancient world, when slavery was extremely common. Later on, kidnapping African tribesmen became the most profitable form of slavery.

Can kids hang glide?

No Kids can NOT hang glide. anyone can hang glide at the age of 21