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Q: Did the founding fathers think slavery would die out by 1860?
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What was a ruling of the dred Scott decision?

That slavery was legal in every state of the Union, because when the Founding Fathers declared that a man's property was sacred, they would have regarded slaves as property.

What is the difference between the government when the founding fathers were around and the government now?

i am pretty sure that when the founding fathers were around we had a government that would talk more and work togeher bettter than now!

Would the Founding Fathers think the modern US Supreme Court abuses its power?

The Founding Fathers would likely have differing opinions on the topic. Jefferson, for instance, would feel the Supreme Court is abusing its power; he even felt judicial review overstepped Constitutional limits. Others, however, such as Hamilton and Madison, were (and would probably be) more open to the decisions the Supreme Court has made.

What would you tell the founding fathers?

Have you ever heard of the term" founding fathers "you may have wondered just who these men were and what they did to earn this tittle. Not everyone agrees on who should be given this tittle. But generally speaking, are founding fathers were the statesmen who worked to secure our independence from Great Britain in seventeen seventy six. Our founding fathers founded our nation and designed our democratic form of government that still exists today; over two hundred years later the founding father wrote two very important documents from are history. The first was the declaration of independence and the constitution of the United States of America

What did the dred Scott decision do to the constitution?

It was not a change to the Constitution. It was an interpretation of one clause that impacted on the slavery question - the statement that a man's property was sacred. The Supreme Court decided that the Founding Fathers would have included slaves within their definition of property. Therefore, slavery was legal in every state of the Union.

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Do you think the founding fathers would be pleased with your government today?

no way

What would you tell a founding father?

I would ask Americas founding fathers, how they became Americas founding fathers? Also why did they sign the deceleration of independence? Lastly why do we have founding fathers?

What are the key delegates of the constutional convention now called?

I would say " Founding Fathers."

How did founding fathers become founding fathers?

you would be better off looking on his bio that is where i found all my info from.

Did the founding fathers believe English should be the national language?

The Founding Fathers all spoke English so it's reasonable to think that they assumed this would be the dominant language. Otherwise, they'd all have had to learn another language.

What was a ruling of the dred Scott decision?

That slavery was legal in every state of the Union, because when the Founding Fathers declared that a man's property was sacred, they would have regarded slaves as property.

Why was slavery allowed in all terriories?

Because the Supreme Court had made a surprise announcement that slavery was protected by the Constitution. They judged that when the Founding Fathers declared that a man's property was sacred, they would have included slaves within their definition of property.

What principle concerning slavery was established by the Dred Scott decision?

It declared that a man's property was sacred, according to the Constitution, and that the Founding Fathers would have included slaves within their definition of 'property'.

Would the founding fathers like political parties that you have today?

Generally, the Founding Fathers did not think that political parties were a good thing. One of their many worries was that people would prioritize what was best for their party, over what was best for the country.

What would have happened if your founding fathers would have failed and been convicted of high treason?

King George III was very clear.... the Founding Fathers would not have been "Founding Fathers," they would have been criminals and tried for treason subject to the King and the laws of England prohibitting treasonous acts. Simply put... they would of most certainly been hanged.(S.Menzel)

Why did the Founding Fathers leave out the word Christianity in all documents?

The Founding Fathers saw the United States as a free nation, where there would always be a separation of religion and state.

How is secularism and revisionist history replacing your religious foundations and the intent of our Founding Fathers?

I would think it is mostly the other way around, except maybe historical revisionism, which both sides are guilty of. The intent of the founding Fathers was a secular republic as the Constitution makes clear to anyone not deluded. We have no religious foundations to this country and many, if not most of the founding Fathers were deists and far from religious.