No, there was one on the drawing board but it never made it to production. All 88,000 or so were in 12 guage only.
You did not tell us what MAKE your shotgun is. The two 1895s that come to mind are a lever action Winchester RIFLE, and a Davenport shotgun, which had a prominent release lever right behind the hammer.
Think of a lead ball which is the diameter of the inside of the barrel of the shotgun. The gauge of the shotgun is the number of balls that size to make up one pound. 12 balls - 12 gauge 20 balls - 20 gauge 28 balls - 28 gauge Exception - .410 bore is the actual bore diameter
Take the cap off and point the gun doun and shake it and it should come out mine did
Does it come in the original box, with original papers or is it just the shotgun? Has the action been cycled? Price range 400-500 USD.
Remove the 2 screws from the end or the mag tube and the cap and spring will come out. Do so carefully as the spring is compressed
It's a bit less powerful than a 12GA. Where the "being shot 9 times" may come from is the 9 pellets in one shell.
the muzzle on a shotgun is where the bullets come out.
Pull down on forearm. It should come off. Then break open shotgun, barrels should hinge off.
It depends on what kind of shot/cartridge you use. Shot, being the pelllets inside the cartridge, come in many different sizes, from 1mm to 9mm.
Vehicles do not come with a digital car gauge. You have the option to install a gauge in your car at the time purchase.
Most commercially available shotgun shells come in boxes of 25.