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Q: Did slaves in ancient China get paid?
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Where did ancient China slaves live?

In poverty

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Why didn't slaves in Ancient Egypt get paid?

Because they were slaves the property of another person.

What work did the slaves do in ancient China?

Whatever their master wanted them to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who built the houses in ancient China?

of course slaves hope this helped

How were household slaves treated different form other slaves in ancient rome?

Basically household slaves kind got paid but not public slaves

What did slaves in Ancient China eat?

dog meat ,people ,houses, cocroaches

How did the slaves in ancient Greece get paid?

Slaves didn't get paid. They received food, somewhere to sleep and if they were lucky clothes.

What was ancient China's social order?

royal familly,nobles,warriors,artisans,farmers, and slaves

Were there slaves in China?

There were slaves. The rich chinese farmers treated the poor farmers as their slaves in ancient times. African slaves were also bought and sold by Arabs to GuangDong province around the Song Dynasty.

Were there slaves in ancient china?

most people belive that slavery in ancient china was rare but the main reason for this is that the Chinese at the time paid relativly little attention to them. in reality the Chinese probably rivaled the Arabs in there use of slaves. diffrent periods of Chinese history developed diffrent terms for slaves and diffrent views on how slaves should be treated, somtimes for better and somtimes for worse. slavery in china was at its max around the tong and song dynastys when trade with the the middle east was at its peak.

ancient Egyptian miner get paid?

Nothing as most miners were slaves. They would have received food, water and shelter but probably not clothing. As slaves they went naked.