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They were'nt African-American at first, only Africans.

Slavery has pretty much always existed, as far back as there are historic sources that can be researched.

Ancient Romans held slaves, as well as the old Greeks.

Warring tribes of Native Americans weren't above using each other as slaves either.

Vikings held slaves.

I guess cheap labor has always seemed like a good idea to those in power.

Even among Africans themselves, slavery was common.

Tribes raided other tribes for slaves.

And that's one of the reasons why the global slave trade was so easy to get going.

When Europeans arrived, they didn't have to start by forming hunting parties,(although that happened too) mostly they simply bought people that had already been collected.

'Course, their entry on the market did mean that a lot more people get captured, as the number of customers suddenly increased dramatically

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Q: Did slavery start with African American or before with another race?
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Several sources of labor were tried before African slavery became popular in the American South. Which of the following was one of the main reasons for the popularity of African slavery?

The cost of a white man's labor for 10 years could buy an African for life.

How bad was slavery back then?

Slavery was horrible before the Civil War in the United States. African American people were literally bought and sold on the market to work the large southern plantations. The men were frequently killed and the women raped.

Blacks in America before slavery?

There were black groups that formed in America before slavery began. In fact, Anthony Johnson, a black man himself, was one of the first American slave owners.

What was it like to be a free aferican American in the north?

Free slaves or after the slaves were freed? Before and after the abolition of slavery, free African Americans really had no means to or skills to support themselves in society. For many freed slaves this meant they continued the same work they once did while in slavery, but got paid meager salaries to do so. A free slave in the North, before slavery was abolished, would also have the added worry of being captured and accused of being a runaway slave, which would result in their return to slavery in a slave state. In fact, many people made a living preying on free slaves, mainly children, in free states to kidnap and sell back into slavery. It would ultimately take decades, after the abolition of slavery, for African Americans to progress past share cropping to find better means of support.

What was an argument about segregation made by Thurgood Marshall before the Supreme Court?

African American students suffered damage from being treated differently. APEX

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Several sources of labor were tried before African slavery became popular in the American South. Which of the following was one of the main reasons for the popularity of African slavery?

The cost of a white man's labor for 10 years could buy an African for life.

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What i s slavery?

Slavery is the act of owning another person as property and using them for forced labor without their consent. It has been a widespread form of exploitation throughout history, but is now illegal in most countries.

How bad was slavery back then?

Slavery was horrible before the Civil War in the United States. African American people were literally bought and sold on the market to work the large southern plantations. The men were frequently killed and the women raped.

Which political entity had abolished slavery and declared persons of Spanish Indian and African origin equal before the law?

Mexico had abolished slavery and declared persons of Spanish, Indian, and African origin equal before the law.

What did African American ball players play before 1947?

African-American ball players played in Negro Leagues before 1947

Was there an African American president before?

Not until 2008. Barack Obama was the first African-American president in US history.

What political entity had abolished slavery and declared each person or origin equal before law?

Mexico had abolished slavery and declared persons of Spanish, Indian, and African origin equal before the law.