No, she didnt get kicked out the group it just that toya and lil Wayne said reginae needs to focuse on school.
Lolo didnt quit she was a little too young for the grown image the omg girlz have so the parents took her out.
No one, she to young. She's the dark girl from OMG Girls.
The omg girlz facebook names are omg girlz
shes not in it because lil Wayne and toya (her mama and daddy) said need to focus on school and her grades
No she did not. Her father Lil Wayne made her quit.
lo lo
no she isn't because her parents took her out the omg girlz
lil wayne took her out because she had bad grades
her name is baby carter aka reginae carter but shes not in the omg girlz anymore she needed to focas more on school
beauty -bahja rodriquezbabydoll-reginae carter
People in the OMG Girlz are : Zonnique aka Star, Reginae aka Baby Carter, Bahja aka Beauty and Lourdars aka Lolo.
because her dad felt uncomfortable having it
reginae did
No, she didnt get kicked out the group it just that toya and lil Wayne said reginae needs to focuse on school.
Reginea Carter (baby carter) is 10 the youngest one of the Omg Girlz group
i wish i had mb and omg girlz phone number for real