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No her dad did

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Q: Did reginae carter quit the omg girlz?
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Related questions

Did reginae quit the omg girlz?

No she did not. Her father Lil Wayne made her quit.

What is reginae carter name in omg girlz?

lo lo

Is Reginae Carter in the song Haters with the OMG Girlz and New Boyz?

no she isn't because her parents took her out the omg girlz

Why did reginae carter leave the OMG GIRLZ group?

lil wayne took her out because she had bad grades

Which omg girlz is lil waynes?

her name is baby carter aka reginae carter but shes not in the omg girlz anymore she needed to focas more on school

What is beauty and babydoll from the omg girlz group?

beauty -bahja rodriquezbabydoll-reginae carter

Who is all in the omg girlz?

People in the OMG Girlz are : Zonnique aka Star, Reginae aka Baby Carter, Bahja aka Beauty and Lourdars aka Lolo.

Why did lil Wayne make reginae quit the omg girlz?

because her dad felt uncomfortable having it

Who left the omg girlz?

reginae did

Did reginae carter get kicked out of the omg girlz group?

No, she didnt get kicked out the group it just that toya and lil Wayne said reginae needs to focuse on school.

How old is reginae carter in 2011?

Reginea Carter (baby carter) is 10 the youngest one of the Omg Girlz group

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i wish i had mb and omg girlz phone number for real